7 Minutes of Inspiration

Chayei Sarah: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

If Efron first offered Avraham the Cave of Machpeilah for free, why did he...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Tazria: Careful What You Say

Parshas Tazria discusses tzaraas, a skin disease contracted by those who spoke...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Yom Kippur: To Remain Pure

Hear Rabbi Israel Lashak tell a story about the importance of remaining pure...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Kedoshim - Understanding the Mitzvah of Rebuke

Why is it so hard for us to take criticism from people that we love? Hear Rabbi...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Korach: Humility

When Korach complained about Aharon, Aharon stayed silent and did not try to...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Toldos: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

Why did Rivka tell Yaakov to trick Yitzchak into giving him the brachos? Rivka...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Mishpatim: You Shall Help Him Repeatedly

Parshas Mishpatim includes the mitzvah to help someone unload their animal - a...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeishev: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

How did Yosef know whether the butler and baker would each live or die? Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Pesach: Two Seder Insights

Hear Rabbi Israel Lashak offer two meaningful insights into the Passover Seder:...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Re’eh: Moshe’s Final Speech to His People

Every Jew at some point must ask himself what his purpose is in life. Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Noach Found Favor in the Eyes of Hashem

How does one find favor in the eyes of Hashem? Hear Rabbi Lashak explains how...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Mikeitz: Dreams in Sefer Bereishis

In Sefer Bereishis, we find several strange dreams from Pharaoh and Yosef. Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Lech Lecha: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

Understand about the wealth of Avraham Avinu. Why is it important to know that...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayishlach: The Archangel of Eisav

How was the angel of Eisav able to harm Yaakov? Learn how this scenario in...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Shemos: The Origin of Moshe\'s Name

The Jewish People were able to leave Egypt in the merit that they kept their...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Kedoshim - Do Not Hate Your Brother in Your Heart

What’s the sign of a real friendship? Hear Rabbi Lashak explain the...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Kedoshim: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

The Torah teaches us to love others the way we love ourselves. Hear Rabbi...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Rosh Hashana - The Incredible Power of Tefillah

What can the prayers of one person accomplish? What about the prayers of an...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Bereishis: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

Why did God take away a rib from Adam in order to create Chava (Eve)? Why did...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayishlach: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

Why did Yaakov go back across the river to retrieve his \"pachim ketanim\"...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Naso: Valuing Each Individual

Why does the Torah use 77 verses to describe the offerings brought by the...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Pinchas: Why Was Pinchas Blessed While Shimon and Levi Get Rebuked?

Why is Pinchas blessed while Shimon and Levi get rebuked? The Sforno asks how...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Terumah: Strange Measurements of Aron and Shulchan

The Aron (ark) was 2.5 cubits long, 1.5 cubits wide, and 1.5 cubits high. Why...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Mikeitz: Cows with a Spiritual Aura

Have you ever seen a cow with a spiritual aura? Pharaoh had 7 of them in his...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vaeira: Connecting to the Forefathers

Pharaoh became even more cruel to the Jewish people in Egypt after Moshe asked...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Korach: Mistakes are Our Teachers

Which is the better teacher, mistakes or successes? Hear Rabbi Lashak explain...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Yom Kippur: Long Live the King

Yom Kippur is the time to show Hashem how much we love and respect Him, even...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Yisro: Why Moshe Had to Carry the Luchos Up the Mountain

Why did Moshe have to go down Har Sinai in order to make the second set of...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Shoftim: Going to War the Jewish Way

Who is obligated to go to war and who is exempt? Hear Rabbi Lashak explain the...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Emor: The Best is Yet to Come

Why does Parshas Emor begin with sadness (death of Nadav and Avihu) but end...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Mystical Purim and How to Achieve True Happiness

As we all know, the month of Adar and Purim is a time of special happiness. How...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Mishpatim: Money and More Money

What is the connection between Parshas Mishpatim and Parshas Shkalim? Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayigash: How Many Are the Days of the Years of Your Life

What did Yaakov mean when he said, \"The days of the years of my life are 130...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Shoftim: Choosing the Right Weapons

When the Jewish People go out to war against their enemies, the 3 best weapons...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayechi: The Necklace of Osnat

Why didn\'t Yaakov recognize his own grandchildren, Efraim and Menache? Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Yisro: Blessed is Hashem

Yisro thanked God for saving the Jewish people from Egypt, but Yisro wasn’t...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Bo: Complete Darkness

Why didn\'t the Egyptians believe Moshe when he warned them that each plague...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeitzei - What is More Important: The Torah or the Jewish People?

What\'s more important, the Torah or the Jewish People? Hear Rabbi Israel...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Re\'eh: The Russian Soldier and His Siddur

Parshas Re\'eh tells us that Hashem chose the Jewish people to be His treasured...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeishev: Why Give a Coat of Many Colors

Why did Yaakov Avinu give Yosef a coat of many colors? Hear Rabbi Israel Lashak...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Tzav: The Connection Between Free Will and the Shalshelet

The shalsheles appears only a few rare times in Tanach, including this week\'s...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Terumah: The Purpose of the Shulchan

The Shulchan was a vessel in the Beis HaMikdash which held the Lechem HaPanim...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
The Advantage of Preparing for the Yamim Noraim

Join Rabbi Israel Lashak to learn about the importance of preparing for the...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Beshalach: The Magic Word

After the Jewish people left Egypt and were traveling through the desert, they...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Bamidbar: Fire, Water, and Sand

Why is the Torah compared to fire, sand, and water? Hear Rabbi Israel Lashak...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Lech Lecha: Why was Avraham so scared of the Brit Mila?

Avraham Avinu was ready to sacrifice everything for Hashem... but to do a bris...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Beshalach: Why Not Escape

During the plague of Darkness, why didn\'t the Jews just take all the gold and...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayishlach: I Have Everything

Why did Eisav say \"I have a lot\" and Yaakov said \"I have everything\"? Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Noach: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

What is the message of the rainbow? Fascinatingly, Rabbi Lashak explains how...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeitzei: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

Why were the angels going up and down on Jacob\'s ladder? Hear the inspiring...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeira: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

Why wasn\'t Akeidas Yitzchak named after Avraham, if the test was meant for...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Behar: You Shall Not Afflict Your Fellow

We are told in Behar, \"You shall not afflict your fellow and you shall fear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeira: The Destruction of Sodom

Why do some nations thrive while others disappear? The Torah answers this...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Tetzaveh: The Choshen Mishpat

Hear Rabbi Israel Lashak explain what we can learn from the Choshen Mishpat...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Bamidbar: All Because They Were in the Beit Midrash

Hear Rabbi Israel Lashak explain the power of studying Torah in the Beit...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Rosh Hashana Avinu Malkeinu

We pray for Hashem to act kindly to us \"lemaan shemecha\" - for the sake of...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Pekudei: Moshe Blesses the Nation

Why did Moshe bless the Jewish people when they built the Mishkan? Hear Rabbi...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Noach: The Rainbow - An Eternal Covenant

Hashem promised Noach that He would never destroy the world again, and He...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayigash: Why Yosef Did Not Contact His Father For 22 Years

Why didn\'t Yosef try to contact his father during all the years he was in...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Shavuot: Why is Megilat Rut not included in Sefer Shoftim?

Why is Megilat Rut its own sefer? Hear Rabbi Lashak explain the significance of...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Yom Kippur: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

As the new year begins and Elul is behind us, there is so much to pray for. God...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Sukkos: 7 Minutes of Inspiration

Why do the Jewish people need so many holidays? Hear the inspiring words of...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayakhel: One Nation Together

What does Judaism think about the individual vs. the community? Hear Rabbi...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Balak: Integrity

In this week\'s parsha, Bilaam says that even if Balak would give him his house...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Shemini: All for G-d

Why are some people - like kohanim - given the power to bless others? Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Why Wear a Kittel at the Seder?

On Seder night, the person leading the seder wears a kittel. Hear Rabbi Israel...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeira - Please Take Your Son

When Hashem asked Avraham to bring his son as a sacrifice, it didn\'t come so...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vaeschanan: The Exact Same Torah

Parshas Va\'eschanan includes the passuk of \"V\'zos HaTorah...\" which is said...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Beha\'aloscha: They Followed the Cloud

Why did Bnei Yisrael have to go through such difficult experiences, never...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Eikev: Torah Learning Protects from Sickness

In Parshas Eikev, Hashem promises the Jewish people that he will protect us...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayakhel: The Kedusha of the Mishkan was even greater than the Kedusha of the Beis HaMikdash

Why was the Mishkan even greater than the Beis HaMikdash? Hear Rabbi Israel...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Yisro: Why Was Moshe Chosen

Why was Moshe chosen to be the one to give the Torah to the Jewish people? Hear...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Shabbos HaGadol: Why is it Great?

What is Shabbat HaGadol? Hear Rabbi Lashak talk about the nation that became...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Bechukosai: Returning to the Land of Israel

Parshas Bechukosai includes the law that all lands return to their original...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Mishpatim: Permission to Heal

Although God is the only Power in the universe, God gave doctors the permission...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vaeira: The Incredible Staff of Moshe Rabbeinu

Moshe used a special staff for the plagues in Egypt and to do miracles for the...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Ki Tavo: Caring for the Widows

In parshat Ki Tavo, Hashem commands us to give special gifts to help support...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Emor: I Can\'t Ride the Bus

There\'s no purity like the innocence of children. Learn the power of Kiddush...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Ki Teitzei: Not everything that appears to us to be bad is actually bad!

Can we really define what’s good and what’s bad? Hear Rabbi Lashak explain...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayikra: You Have to Put in Effort!

G-d made a miracle that the fire on the altar in the Beis Hamikdash was never...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Vayeitzei: I Will Guard You Wherever You Go

Though human nature is to worry about parnasah, we must be aware that God is...

Rabbi Israel Lashak
Text-Based Sessions

What do we pray for? Have you ever prayed to do well on a test? Explore that...

Adam Jerozolim
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